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Health benefits of Panax ginseng part3

Sunday, July 29, 2012 Tags: , , , , ,

Panax ginseng has effect central nervous system.

Panax ginseng has effect central nervous system.

Ginsenosides Rg1 from the panax ginseng extract, it has the ability to stimulate the central nervous system is awake, but it has effect of different classes of nerve stimulant amphetamine or cocaine. It does not affect normal sleep. In section Ginsenosides Rb and Rc, it will be effect on sedation and relieve tension.

Extracts of the Panax ginseng will affect the central nervous system. It helps the nervous system to alert and relax the nerves. However, stimulate or suppress the effects will depend on the conditions and needs of the body.

Panax ginseng help reduce the amount of sugar in patients with high blood sugar levels.

Panax ginseng help reduce the amount of sugar in patients with high blood sugar levels.

From clinical tests have indicated that extracts of the panax ginseng may cause the pancreas to secrete insulin to control blood sugar better and help prevent numbness of fingers and toes including pustulo-ulcerating. In addition, Ginsenosides Rb1 and Re also has an effect similar to insulin. This may help reduce the use of insulin in the treatment of patients with diabetes.